Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013: Sammy the Patissier Update #2

Sammy the Patissier Series 1 Additions: 

Sammy the Patissier original series 1

Sammy the Patissier Series 2!!!

Sammy the Patissier series 2 preview with bows and deco sauce

How come the editions to Sammy the Patissier series 1 and all of series 2 seem to have more simple designs without deco icing or sprinkles?

The intricate White Cream Churro
The popular Framboise Doughnut
The reason for this is because of "supply and demand". When Sammy the Patissier series 1 was released, the Framboise Doughnut quickly sold out of many shops and became one of the most sought after designs. The reason for the popularity of the Framboise Doughnut does not only come from the pink flowers that decorate the darker pink surface, but from the fact that is one of the only designs from series 1 that has no deco sauce or sprinkles to fall off. Since many people fear that the sprinkles and deco sauce on squishies may easily peel away or fall off squishies, people tend to stray away from them. The company Cbull likely took account of this when making additions to series 1 and when designing series 2. 
Not only have most of the new Sammy the Patissier designs copied the simplicity of the Framboise Doughnut, but one of the added Churros and all of the Bitten Doughnuts seem to have copied the pattern of having printed designs on their surface. The Heart X Heart Churro is actually a Churro with the same dark and light pink heart design that the Framboise Doughnut has. The Peach and the Melon Bitten Doughnuts both have the same hearts as the Framboise Donut does, but with different contrasting colors. And the Mango and Duck Bitten Doughnuts have changed the design of the Framboise Doughnut by changing the hearts to duck (Sammy) footprints and only having a few on one side. 

Where did the idea of the Bitten Doughnuts come from?

When the first prototypes of Sammy the Patissier series 1 were released to licensed vendors, some of the French Crullers did have a bite taken out of them. Though there were not any squishies from series 1 that had a bite taken out of them, licensed vendors may have commented on how much they liked the design. Hence Cbull may be trying to see how popular the design of Bitten Doughnuts is before they start eating pieces of all their squishies ;) !

Do the Cream Puffs in series 2 have hearts on them like in the carved prototypes?

As seen to the left the original carved prototypes of the Sammy the Patissier Cream Puffs have a little heart on them (seen best on the bottom right of the back far right Cream Puff). The Cream Puff on the back far right is the back view of a Cream Puff, and the pictures released by Cbull of the actual prototypes (shown above) are only front and side views. So as of this moment it cannot be known if the heart is still imprinted on the Cream Puff or not, or if it is coming out of the mold cleanly. People will just have to wait and see :). 

Will there be more future Sammy the Patissier squishies to come?

As seen in this coming soon picture of Sammy the Patissier, Cbull has went ahead and produced most of the designs in this picture. However, there are some designs and decorations in this picture that have not been said are being released with series 2. The yellow Heart Doughnut on the far left has not been released as one of the four flavors, but there is hope that it will be an addition. And the blue and purple heart macarons to the immediate left of the Sammy Squishy have not been released at all, leaving hope for another series!!! The bows, deco icing and sprinkles that decorate the Tropical French Cruller and Orang Frosting Heart Churro are also pictured in "Sammy the Patissier Series 2!!!" pictured above. Hopefully those decorations will be released soon, which may be another explanation for why all of the new designs released are so simple--because they are going to be DIY squishies with bows, deco sauce, and sprinkles that people can use to decorate squishies themselves. 


1 comment:

  1. Where are you Kawaii insider? Come back to blogger, please!
