Thursday, June 6, 2013

June 6, 2013: Counterfeit Breadou Bagel Controversy

Counterfeit Breadou Bagel Controversy 

 Recently there has been some speculation from certain squishy sellers that the Breadou Bagels recently released on a supplier website are not authentic Breadou products. 

The reason that people have began to make these accusations, is because people have not heard of this product before. It is not on the Breadou website, and therefore seems like it is not real. Also, adding to the confusion, some suppliers are calling it the "Breadou donut". However, most people know that the real Breadou donuts have frosting and are much larger. 

 Accusers of these new Breadou products do have some reason to be skeptical. However, these bagels' traits are matching to the traits of another Breadou product.

Breadou "Vanilla Dream" key ring emoticon

 Breadou emoticon key rings, such as the one pictured to the left are the smaller version of the full size Breadou emoticon.

Authentic Breadou sticker
The back of a Breadou key ring emoticon package

  Both the Breadou emoticon and bagel are key ring sized. Therefore both of them have the same packaging. The pictures on the back of the packaging would be rather hard for a supplier to replicate, so it would only make sense that the same manufacturer makes them both. (Breadou Roti Toast Tags are also key rings)

The back of a Breadou bagel package

The Mingli toys logo of a Breadou bagel

Many people find it suspicious that the Breadou bagels do not have the "" logo on the back. However, if they looked closer then they would see the logo for "Shenzhen Mingli Toys Manufacturing Co.,Ltd". This logo is the same one that can be seen on the Breadou emoticon. Both of the imprinted logos are shown on the left.

Though this is not the Breadou logo, the Breadou company outsourced and allowed Mingli Toys to produce their emoticon squishies. So it makes sense that the same company would produce the Breadou bagels.
The Mingli toys logo of a Breadou bagel

The thin ball chain of a Breadou key ring emoticon

Even more evidence to link the Breadou emoticon keyring and the Breadou bagel is the thin ball chains that they have. Thin ball chains are not seen on most squishies, other than the Breadou emoticons and Roti Toast Tags.  

The thin ball chain of a Breadou bagel

What does all of this mean?

Well, both the Breadou emoticon kering (which is known to bo authentic Breadou), and the bagel have the following in common:

-they both have the same detailed packaging for key rings
-they both have the imprint from the same company, though it is not Breadou
-they both have the same thin key ring ball chain

Therefore the conclusion can be drawn that though the Breadou company website has not been updated with the Breadou bagel, it does come from the same company as the Breadou emoticon (that is authentic Breadou). Mingli toys has the packaging and the ball chains to make the Breadou emoticon key rings, so they may have began to put bagels inside of the packaging.

Should you buy them?

The answer is yes! These squishies are made by the same company as the emoticons, and seem to have the same soft texture that the Breadou emoticons have. However, since the Mingli toy company may only be making these bagels for a short period of time--get them while you can!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4, 2013: Sammy the Patissier Update #1

Sammy the Patissier Series One News

Sammy the Patissier has been selling since early April. However, news about Sammy and the prototypes were released to licensed distributors of Nic months earlier (due to the fact that some of the licensed sellers collaborated on the creation of the first "super squishy" from Japan).

For those people who do not know what Sammy the Patissier is, it is translated to Sammy the Pastry Chef. Sammy the Patissier is a collection of "super squishies", which include: triple scoop ice creams, churros, doughnuts, and French crullers. Each of the different types of desserts has four styles, equaling a total of sixteen different Sammy Squishies.

This "first series" of Sammy the Patissier Squishies will only be the first to come in a longer line of dessert foods and other squishies, as has been seen with the progression of Cafe De N (another line of Nic squishies). The first series was released by the company Nic, however for easier distribution and contact abilities, series two of Sammy the Patissier is being handed over to the company Cbull (which comes from the same larger company Nic does). 

As many people probably have seen, the name Nic appears on the back of many high quality squishies. So one of the only noticeable changes to the squishies, will be that their tags will say Cbull on the back from now on. Also, people will be able to contact the company easier than previously. 

Going back to series one, there are two different styles of prototypes floating around out there. There are the super rare original prototypes, that have many different variations from when the company was getting feedback from licensed sellers on what "looked good", which usually does not come with tags or ball chains unless they are not of the final quality. And then there are the final prototypes made close to the production of the final squishies, which tend not to vary too much from the final ones (maybe the have less sprinkles, a different quality of foam, or smell). 

Sammy the Patissier prototypes: four heart churros and two French crullers
All of the rare original prototypes are hard to find images and videos of, as they were broken up and sent to many different sellers (most of which kept them secret). However to the right is a picture of six of the Sammy the Patissier prototypes. 

the final photo of Sammy the Patissier series one

This picture to the left is of the final image that was released for Sammy the Patissier series one. Only two of the prototypes from the image above look similar to the ones that ended up in the final series one, and they still look different.

The prototype pink churro with rainbow sprinkles at the top of the picture above resembles the "sweet heart" churro in the picture to the left, but the sprinkles still seem to be different colors.

The colors of the sprinkles on the pink French Cruller on the left of the picture above are also different from the "strawberry" French cruller's sprinkles in the photo to the left, but the chocolate drizzle across the final series one "strawberry" French cruller is the most noticeable difference. 

In the next post about Sammy the Patissier there will be more information and inside pictures from Sammy the Patissier series two!!!